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What to do when an error message 'error: Failed to merge in the changes' appears when executing brew update.

This article explains how to solve an error message 'error: Failed to merge in the changes' appears when executing brew update.


1-Minute Read

This article explains how to solve an error message ‘error: Failed to merge in the changes’ appears when executing brew update.

The following lists are the table of contents about this article.

Target audience

Those who want to break through the errors that occur when executing brew update and update Homebrew.


  • WSL 2 (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)


  • Installed Homebrew

Executing brew update-reset

Executing the below command to solve the problem.

brew update-reset

That’s it!

What does brew update-reset command do?

Homebrew official and non-official remote repository information are reset, then reacquired and reconfigured.

Reference articles

Homebrew Documentation: update-reset
install brew error error: Failed to merge in the changes.

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