Example codes about operating an embedded Vimeo video by JavaScript.
Example codes about operating an embedded Vimeo video by JavaScript.
This article explains the example codes of operating the embedded Vimeo video by JavaScript.
The following lists are the table of contents about this article.
- Target audience
- Environment
- Preconditions
- Operating an embedded Vimeo video by JavaScript
- Example code
- Reference articles
Target audience
- Those who want to operating the Vimeo video by JavaScript.
- JavaScript (ES2015)
Operating an embedded Vimeo video by JavaScript
Loading the embedded Vimeo video to a HTML file
First, load the embedded Vimeo video to a HTML file by iframe.
In this article case, using a sample Vimeo video.
<script type="module" src="./javascript/index.js"></script>
<!-- Specific your video URL on src attribute. -->
<button id="play-button">play</button>
<button id="pause-button">pause</button>
<button id="play-pause-button">play and pause</button>
Create a JavaScript file for each HTML file
If you do not create a JavaScript file each HTML file, ignore this chapter, please.
Next, create a JavaScript file for each HTML file, and loading a function of operation any embedded Vimeo videos.
What about “vimeo-api-practice.js” I will explain on next chapter.
import * as vimeo from './vimeo-api-practice.js';
window.onload = () => {
let playerInformation = new vimeo.PlayerInformation(
playButtonId: 'play-button',
pauseButtonId: 'pause-button',
playPauseButtonId: 'play-pause-button'
Create a JavaScript to operating the Vimeo video.
Finally, create a JavaScript file to operating an embedded Vimeo video.
First, load the Vimeo API in this file so that we can use this file as a common part.
Next, recieve player id and button ids from caller by arguments, then setting any events.
This chapter explains only play and pause, but you can do other operations. When you would like to do another operations, please read the official references.
If you would like to use the following codes, please check my GitHub repository.
let tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js';
export function settingPlayer(playerInformation) {
let iframe = document.getElementById(playerInformation.playerId);
let player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);
// Setting play the video by play button.
.addEventListener("click", event => { player.play(); });
// Setting pause the video by play button.
.addEventListener("click", event => { player.pause(); });
// Setting play and pause the video by play button.
// When the video is playing, pause it. And when the video is pausing, play it.
.addEventListener("click", event => {
player.getPaused().then(paused => {
paused ? player.play() : player.pause();
export class PlayerInformation {
constructor(playerId, buttonIds) {
this.playerId = playerId;
if (buttonIds.playButtonId) this.playButtonId = buttonIds.playButtonId;
if (buttonIds.pauseButtonId) this.pauseButtonId = buttonIds.pauseButtonId;
if (buttonIds.playPauseButtonId) this.playPauseButtonId = buttonIds.playPauseButtonId;